Home Workouts Top 10 Knee Strengthening Exercises To Relieve Pain

Top 10 Knee Strengthening Exercises To Relieve Pain


Whether you’re an avid walker, weekend warrior, or competitive athlete, Knee discomfort might interfere with your favorite pastimes. Although osteoarthritis and aging are major causes of joint pain, knee discomfort can affect people of any age.

Knee discomfort may be brought on by weak muscles, tight muscles, or muscular imbalance. Additionally, exercise improves the range of motion and mobility. Fortunately, there are safe methods to exercise even when your knee hurts.

Source – hips.hearstapps.com

Below are the 10 Best Knee Strengthening Exercises that can Help Relieve Your Joint Pain

1. Heel and Calf Stretches

Face a wall with your back to it. Stand as far away from the wall as you can without feeling uncomfortable by placing your hands on it. Your knees should be slightly bent with your heels flat and the toes of both feet pointing forward.

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds while leaning into it. Your back leg ought to feel stretched. Repeat while changing legs. Stretch both legs twice using this motion.

2. Standing Hamstring Curl

Standing hamstring curls help you work both your gluteal and hamstring muscles. Hold on to a sturdy chair or countertop for balance while you stand with your knees spaced one to two inches apart. Lift the heel of the knee you are bending behind your body slowly off the floor, maintaining your thighs straight. Lift the heel steadily and keep turning the knee until it is at a 90-degree angle.

You don’t want your straight leg to lock, so keep it slightly bent. After five seconds of holding the bent leg aloft, carefully lower it to the floor. Repeat three times with the same leg, then change to the other side.

3. Quadriceps Stretch

Your quadriceps, which are located in the front of your thighs, are the focus of this stretch. Your hip flexors and quadriceps will become more flexible if you perform this exercise.

Use a chair or a wall as support while you stand. Your feet should be apart by a shoulder width. Your foot should rise up toward your glutes as you flex one knee. As far as you can comfortably do so, slowly bring your ankle toward your glutes while holding for a minute. Change legs, then go back to the beginning position. On each side, repeat twice.

4. Bridge Pose

Start by holding a bridge stance. You may strengthen your hamstrings. Lay flat on your back, your arms at your side, and your feet either on the floor or firmly planted on a chair’s seat. With your feet firmly planted and your hamstrings contracted, slowly elevate your hips into the air. Return the hips to the floor after holding for two to three seconds.

5. Bodyweight Squats

Getting up or sitting down is one of the most common daily motions. Squats are an excellent exercise for reducing knee discomfort and strengthening/rebuilding the knee joint. Simply squat as low as you can while using your bodyweight, then stand back up. Increase your weight as your knee discomfort gets better. This may be done in three sets of 10 minutes each.

6. Wall Squats

Wall squats are excellent if you run or jog and wish to prevent injury. Simply place your feet two feet in front of your body while leaning against a wall. Holding a 90-degree angle for 20 to 30 seconds, flex your knees, and let your body down the wall. Then, get back up and repeat 3 to 5 times.

7. Leg Extension

By strengthening your quadriceps using your body weight rather than a weighted machine, you may prevent further stress on your knees.

To perform this exercise, raise your seat. Put your feet hip-width apart on the ground. Straighten your spine, tighten your thigh muscles, and lift one leg as high as you can without getting out of the chair. After pausing, return to the initial position.

8. Walking

The best low-impact exercise for maintaining healthy joints and improving overall fitness is walking. This is one of the best workouts for knee discomfort. Many of the advantages of running are present in this weight-bearing activity, which is suitable for those with knee discomfort, especially arthritis.

For the best results, work up to 45 minutes of walking at least four times a week. Even 6,000 steps a day can assist in reducing knee discomfort and developing healthy knee cartilage.

9. Calf Raise

Performing this exercise strengthens your lower leg muscles at the rear, known as the calf muscles.

Start by placing your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand. For support, choose a position near a wall or cling to the back of a chair. To stand on the balls of your feet, lift both of your heels off the ground. Bring your heels back to the starting position gradually. While performing this exercise to develop your calf muscles, control is pivotal. Perform two to three sets of 10 repetitions.

10. Heel Slide

Additionally, heel slips can hasten the recovery of knee function. When bending your surgical knee and leg, lean back on the bed and keep your heel firmly planted on the mattress.

Sliding the heel back down to the beginning position against the mattress will prevent any severe knee discomfort from occurring. Throughout this exercise, keep the kneecap pointing up and upward toward the ceiling.

Final Words

Strengthening the muscles in the knee joint does not directly affect the Knee joint but instead strengthens the muscles around it. The above list of workouts works best for relieving joint pain and strengthening the muscles around your knees.



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