Home Workouts Best 10 Exercise for Frozen Shoulder

Best 10 Exercise for Frozen Shoulder


Adhesive capsulitis, another name for frozen shoulder, causes discomfort and stiffness in the shoulder joint. Typically, signs and symptoms start off mildly before getting worse. Symptoms normally improve over the course of one to three years.

The following symptoms might occur if you have adhesive capsulitis, often known as frozen shoulder:

  • Achy ache across the afflicted shoulder, often worst at the beginning
  • A person’s inability to raise their hand higher than 90 degrees.
  • Tense shoulders
  • It is difficult to fall asleep, especially on the side affected.

In this article, we are going to discuss the top 10 frozen shoulder exercises that professional physiotherapists advise for quick healing.

1.   Pendulum Exercise

This is mostly a twisting movement that helps the muscles stretch. To do this, move in a comfortable manner while bending over at the waist so that the arm falls away from the body. Make a circular motion with your body.

Make tiny circles while maintaining a relaxed shoulder. Do this for a total of 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat the exercise while progressively increasing the weight.

2.   Pendulum Swing

Put your unaffected hand on the edge of a table or chair while still standing. Place your injured arm next to your body while leaning slightly forward. Swing your arm back and forth. Next, move it from side to side. Swing your arms in both directions in a circle. Repeat ten times on each movement.

3.    Scapular Squeeze

Straighten your back as you sit down on a chair. Move your shoulders back while keeping your elbows close to your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to widen your chest. Return to the starting position gradually. Repeat 10–12 times. Make sure you use a resistance band for this workout.

4.   Wall Climbing

Stretch Wall Climb Place the injured arm’s hand against the wall while facing the wall. Allowing the hand and arm to rise, slide it up the wall. You should extend your body closer to the wall as you are able to stretch your hands and arms higher. Ten repetitions should be performed after holding this extended position for a little while.

5.   Pulley Stretch

This exercise is an excellent way to help stretch your shoulder muscles and relieve them from pain.
Following are the steps to perform it:

  • Glue a pulley to the door or the ceiling. A resistance band is also an option for this workout.
  • With the afflicted arm somewhat lower than the unaffected one, grasp the ends with both hands.
  • Your undamaged hand should pull the pulley to lift the afflicted arm. As far as you can, pull.
  • Wait a moment before carefully raising the unaffected arm to lower the afflicted arm.
  • Repeat ten to fifteen times.

6. Assisted Arm Raising

Sit comfortably on a mat. The afflicted arm is supported by a walking stick that the unaffected arm is holding firmly. Put your arms up as high as you can. Take a brief pause before gradually lowering your hands. Repeat Ten times total.

7. Wand Exercise

Lay flat on the ground. Both of your hands should be on a stick at either end. The stick should be held with your hands down. Use both hands to hold the stick at both ends so that your hands are a little broader than your shoulders. Slowly lift your arms over your head while maintaining both elbows straight until your shoulders, upper back, and chest feels stretched. For 15 to 30 seconds, hold. Do these 2 to 4 times.

8. Crossbody Reach

Put your unaffected hand on your afflicted elbow whether seated or standing. Draw the arm that is hurt across your body. Lift your elbow and extend your shoulder with little pressure. For 20 to 30 seconds, maintain the stretch and repeat it 5 times.

9. Towel Stretch

Hold the towel behind your back with both hands. To move the afflicted hand upward, gently tug the towel with the unaffected hand. The injured hand will be pressed up against your back, causing a minor strain in the shoulder joint. Make sure the stretch is comfortable and pain-free. Hold for a little while, then release and repeat. Do 10 repetitions of the exercise now while switching the positions of your hands.

10. Hand-behind-back stretch

You might not be able to perform this stretch straight away since it takes additional mobility. Place your afflicted arm behind your back while still standing. Take hold of this wrist with the opposing hand. Now Move your injured arm toward the opposing buttock to gently stretch it. Move it up as far as you can, gently. Hold on to this position for a little while. You have to 5 repetitions with one-minute rest


Most persons with frozen shoulders can benefit from regular stretching and exercise to reduce discomfort and increase their range of motion. Improvement often requires patience and consistent practice. I hope this article helped find the right exercises for the best health of your shoulders.



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